Monday, December 28, 2015

Anthony Bourdain Gives 15 Awesome Pieces Of Life Advice

Anthony Bourdain Gives 15 Awesome Pieces Of Life Advice

Anthony Bourdain has done it all in his lifetime, so today he's going to share some of his worldly wisdom with you.


Saturday, December 26, 2015

The 12 Facts of Christmas – Things You Didn’t Know! [Infographic]

The 12 Facts of Christmas – Things You Didn’t Know! [Infographic]

Mulled wine, mince pies, chocolate and treats – these are all things that we associate with Christmas, but how many of them does poor old Santa consume on his way round the world? 150 billion calories is the answer! It would take him a whopping 166 million hours of running to burn it off, too. These facts, plus a tantalising 11 more of them, are waiting for you in this yuletide infographic from Up Up & Away.

Click on Image to Enlarge.


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