Monday, May 22, 2017

Shiba inu hates fidget spinner (video)

Shiba inu hates fidget spinner (video)

Read more @ Amazing Creatures

Friday, May 12, 2017

A weekend away

A weekend away

Not long after getting back from the snow we headed to Norfolk to stay with friends again, and got to hang out on the beach and enjoy spring in full swing. Very strange! I know I say this every time we venture outside of London, but man we need to do it more. Life's too short.
Read more @ my funny eye

Monday, May 8, 2017

Vemdalen rocks

Vemdalen rocks

Sadly I couldn't bring my big camera on the mountain, so when I remembered to I'd whip out my phone to grab some snaps - I didn't get that many, as I was having too much fun. As Easter was late this year there wasn't loads of snow left, but luckily there was enough on the slopes. The first picture is from Jaktstugan, a cabin at the top of a cross country ski run that only sold waffles with cloudberry jam and whipped cream. Just outside the kids could borrow toboggans which was really good fun; I tell you, everything was so relaxed and chilled in Vemdalen. There was free hot chocolate at the foot of some runs, communal barbecue pits where you could cook your own lunch, swings for kids that had had enough of skiing, and in one resort (Björnrike) there was a even little music studio with a drum set and a piano that anyone could have a go on. Genius! The fifth picture is of a cabin from the 1700's that stands on my friends' plot, but I was so dumbstruck by it that I didn't take any pictures from the inside. And lastly, Oomoo and A on day 1, before Oomoo got the hang of skiing on his own. We better hurry back before he forgets how to.
Read more @ my funny eye

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Cabin fever

Cabin fever

In another life we might have a cabin of our own, but if we get to go here again I'll be well pleased. What is it about cabins that just feels so good? I'm not sure, but it must be some kind of magic; as soon as we stepped into my friend A's cabin we all instantly relaxed. Is it all that wood? The fireplace? Being surrounded by nature? Or just shutting the door on most of the entrapments of modern life? I dunno. One thing for sure is that I finally got the point of a sauna (I've never enjoyed them in the past - way too hot!) - it was the perfect balm for our aching muscles. So here's hoping our next Easter holiday is sorted then :)
Read more @ my funny eye
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