Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Buddy on a post

Buddy on a post

"What you looking at?'

"Maybe if I ignore you you'll leave me alone."

"In fact, I'm just give myself a wash while I'm here."

"What the hell?! Get your stinky foot out of my face."

"Can't you see I'm doing my best lion impression?"

"That's it, I'm out of here! I was just enjoying a quiet moment, and then you had to start taking pictures and kill the vibe. Sometimes you humans are so annoying."

Read more @ my funny eye

Friday, January 5, 2018

2017 catch up - part I

2017 catch up - part I

Happy New Year! Hope you had a good break, if you had one. I ended up catching Omar's cold in the end, but we were both well enough by Christmas - phew! I'm glad to be the other side of it now, and relieved that xmas is a whole year away - hehe.

So, last year was a bit quiet here on the old blog; it seems I can't be on Instagram and the blog at the same time, so adios Instagram, and hola again to this sweet little spot. And as it's January and winter and all that, I thought I'd fish out pics that I shot on my camera last year and never got round to blogging, and forget all the rain/wind/greyness outside right now. These are from early May, when my dear friend Z came and stayed with us for a few days. It's ALL about food and art when she comes here, so on day one we polished off Tate Modern and Somerset House and a lot of tasty food (no food shots - because they are bloody boring). In a later catch up post there'll be pics from when I went to stay with her in Amsterdam last September - aaaahh yeeeeaaaahh! Have a great weekend yo xx
Read more @ my funny eye
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