Monday, March 5, 2018

A Sunday

A Sunday

Dropped Oomoo off at his cousins for a few hours yesterday, while me and Mr Famapa went into town to get ski/snowboarding gear. Not the most fun of things to do, but we started off with lunch at Frenchie, which is my new favourite restaurant. The food was trés delicieux!

On the way home we stopped by Fabrique so we could bring back cinnamon buns for everyone. I was hoping for a semla, but they've stopped making them. You snooze, you lose.

Every Sunday we go for dinner at my mother-in-law's, and after taking this picture I realised that I need to have more of a proper look amongst her books.

Just as we we're getting into the car to go back home I noticed how cool these branches looked all lit up.

And finally, messing about with the shutter speed on the drive home. I was obviously NOT driving. Hope your weekend was good too!

Read more @ my funny eye

Friday, March 2, 2018

Chilled and chilling

Chilled and chilling

I would have thought that by Buddy being a Maine Coon and all he wouldn't feel the cold, but this guy loooooves blankets, and will jump up and try and hog my hot water bottle whenever I use it. <3 p="">
Read more @ my funny eye
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