Please do not smile at strangers
I bet this is related to assaults, shitty reality... | Please whoever knows where
this is take the NOT away or replace it with a smiley picture, rip it
down or just do something. What a terrible message for people to see. I
love givin randoms a smile they always smile too, so pass the smile
people! :0) xx | lol. its a photo shop dude, but perhaps wit hthe right pair of glasses you'll see signs like this all over nyc. | In some foreign countries
showing your teeth can be offensive, or considered aggressive behavior
on your part, but the sign is written in English.. so idk. 0.o | Assist them, feed them, talk to them, guide them, inspire them, lead them instead. | If you smile at strangers you are a terrorist. | smile is not cool anyway :P | Smiles are very presumptive and sometimes seen as arrogant in other parts of the world... | in the bronx this is a good suggestion..avoid strangers,avoid eye contact | I think it's in mockery of
how distant so many people, so close together can be. Like one of those
unspoken rules, written and put in everyone's face. | this IS social commentary and not an official sign, isn't it? it must be. | Oh come on, it's NYC, land of
cynics and jaded pricks! I think half of you missed the point. This is
what we call "facetiousness". definition: Treating serious issues with
deliberately inappropriate humor. It's art, chill out! | I always put my Clint
Eastwood face on whenever I go to buy a paper. You've got to prepare
yourself for some of the headlines. And reading the Daily Mail is like
spending 20 minutes in a fucking mental asylum. | Better suggestion: "Thanks for NOT smiling at strangers!" | I like it. its not stupid.
smile and stranger = bad things. thing about others not only about yours
experience. unusually sign, nopt every one can... | One smile can make a better
day for anyone. If we smiled more, even for strangers we could be more
happy. Smile is the contagious symptom of happiness! | "Please do not smile at stranglers" is what my brain read at first. Good advice. | public transport is one of
the few places where one can meet new people and engage in sometimes
amazing conversations - would have missed out on meeting a lot of
intersting people over the eyars if I had not talked to (let alone
smiled at) strangers. Many people speak
freely in such circumstances as the encounter generally has a beginning
and an end - but can be extended with the consent of the two people
involved. Eg advice re a good chiropractor in the neighbourhood! | -- FB Comments --
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