Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Don't worry about the cat

Don't worry about the cat

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No cats can get everywhere dont worry about the cat.
Get this poor cat out of this jar. Awful
pussy in a jar .. light the wick
Garfield in the cookie jar...
i dont think thats a real cat....or i hope its not.....
How did that cat get in there?
Flaming heck it's my cat Gismo lol
Hope he can get back out, may have to break the bottle. Poor kitty.

Waves in different directions

Waves in different directions

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Look at the grid pattern under neath the water. Looks fishy to me.
As you can see there's a French flag flying on the tower. This explains why the waves are running in the opposite direction.
You can see the pipe going into the water. These are just a grid of pipes under the waters surface.
Swells one way and wind driven surface waves at right angles. Tremendous fun in a small boat. Not..... keeps you wide awake when driving your boat in those conditions
that square types of landmarks are manually created ...to lower the higher raging waves.
You can see at the bottom right there is something black where the water has broken.
Here must be some sort of 'farming' going on..... Just flooded at the moment!
swell in different directions would be more a fitting title..
Im just waiting for all the HAARP comments now. Wave seeding...
Pretty sure the waves are in one direction and what we are seeing in the other direction are structures going out into the water.
Wow looks line a huge tarp laid out under the water
Nature doesn't work in strait lines
i cant belive this facts at all,how comes wind to blow at the same place in different direction
something fishy in this pic.....most probably waves comes in a single direction towards beech side
Eating a mango while smoking marijuana can increase euphoria and get you higher, helping to provide a better experience.
Paralympian Juan José Méndez Fernández is a cyclist from Spain

Paralympian Juan José Méndez Fernández is a cyclist from Spain

Paralympian Juan José Méndez Fernández is a cyclist from Spain who's missing his left arm and left leg.

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I know people with all limbs but cant ride at all .
So it is certainly true that nothing is impossible in this world or say hereafter if one has determination and persistence to achieve what they aim for..
Just goes to show I must apreciate my body more and go out and do what I want to!
 I'm sure he wouldn't mind we all have abilities and disabilities I can't do half the stuff they can do they are amazing.
After I commented I realized what I said, I was refering to him riding circle track as in the pic, they always go clockwise.
Determination perseverance and that would conquer any difficulties you got in life..my respect
Wooow! That's touching indeed! Nothing is impossible if you believe and focused!
At least he didn't use any enhancements like someone we know
Eating a mango while smoking marijuana can increase euphoria and get you higher, helping to provide a better experience.
Salute real life hero! Even his cycle has only one pedal...

Norway once knighted a penguin

Norway once knighted a penguin

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At least he was wearing his formal attire!
Sir Penguin if you please.
Shows how smart Norway people are
penguins rule thats why no other country sees it but norway
what you expect from this country that has a serial killer kills 69 kids and then goes on hunger strike and worry about
this world is indeed a crazy world
insanity though uk knighted a devil elton
Next day penguin got run over
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