Sunday, June 29, 2014

Drones: Spying on us since 1976

Paleofuture recently unearthed a police drone -- from 1976. The Westland Wisp was a prototype surveillance drone designed for police work. Foreshadowing future drones, it could transmit regular video (and maybe infrared) images back to a control station. After the Wisp, Westland made two more drone helicopters, the Wideye and the Sharpeye. more


  1. I was thinking that it would be cool for drones to make a quick circuit of all the Garage Sales in an area and take an aerial picture for a website... That would save people like me a whole lot of gas on a Saturday morning...

  2. I don't know why you have to use Drones and Hobby UAV's on the article as if they where the same, please understand they are not in the same category they serve different purposes, keep people informed!! It would be like putting water guns and real guns on the same category... and maybe you get more attention in your articles by keep doing it, but it's just not professional

  3. I like clarity. There are those who like to confuse and alarm another, they over load you with alarming probable problems situations, suggesting "you got to stop this" but not telling you how, watching you freak out. I think that this a method and an organize plot to do just that to do just that. It would weaken the bond between people, and serve to divide and tear down this nation. Look about yourself. These are the reporters, but there are others with similar applications. If I wanted to conquer a nation, there are cheaper ways than building bombs with the technology we have around now. The former Soviets are now the Russians. Have you been listening to the news. They have the same motive, and the same goals. Tear down our infra structure, divide the people, keep them in war and walk in and take over without firing a shot. And when they do, there will be no one complaining. The freedom of speech will be gone . America will be no more, never to be heard of again. Who will come to our aid? Our allies? How? Rules are like law and order. Rules set pattern of actions, habits, and ultimately a way of thinking. Old sayings and wise sayings, if heard enough will be accepted as true. In the viture world, there are rules everywhere, on each web site, especially for playing games Most all of these rules are orientated in one direction. The web tells you what is to be only, and you can take it or leave it. You have no say so in the matter at all. It is like this every where on line. In one or two generations of that kind or relations, all will be conditioned to do what they are told without question. That is Fascism I tell you these things because I fear for our nation and I do not know how to start exprressing it to anyone. It is like they all are sleep or in a trance , or do not care. The article above is like what I mean. But were awake to see and you spoke on it. I saw you and I believe you will hear me in honest.

  4. yeah, well they are cheaper now, civil rights are eroding & pretending that 'we've never had a problem before' kinda ignores the fact we have one now... & that our local cops are more militarized, less interested in civil rights & a lot more likely to be on budget quotas for things like property confiscation. a citizen can get a beating & arrest for legally filming a tax-paid cop doing his public job, but if a neighbourhood's private life is besieged by cameras... ? Think about that. One is filming someone doing their work on your behalf. The other is being filmed in your private life.
