World's Best Fully Functional Jetpack Aviation JB10
World's Best Fully Functional Jetpack Aviation JB10 is really amazing mostly people want to fly and first off it's super annoying to have your legs just dangling in the air without any support to stand on while using the jet pack, It's obvious none of you have ever worn a harness. They can be made to sit in all day, and be comfortable. Have you ever been on a professional zip line? I took one tour on a zip line, was an all day affair. When your sitting in this harness, your legs are dangling, but because of the way the harness is designed, it displaces the weight of your body in many different directions.

As for the "limited" time, it's actually using 10 gallons of kerosene, to travel for 10 minutes. In the future, the designer is going to add gyro's and other components, to make it even easier to fly, and hopes to bring the cost down to 10,000 bucks!.. so, unless you can invent something better, or have some handicap to flying over traffic, then your opinion is like my butt, and we all have one!?
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