Monday, March 5, 2018

A Sunday

A Sunday

Dropped Oomoo off at his cousins for a few hours yesterday, while me and Mr Famapa went into town to get ski/snowboarding gear. Not the most fun of things to do, but we started off with lunch at Frenchie, which is my new favourite restaurant. The food was trés delicieux!

On the way home we stopped by Fabrique so we could bring back cinnamon buns for everyone. I was hoping for a semla, but they've stopped making them. You snooze, you lose.

Every Sunday we go for dinner at my mother-in-law's, and after taking this picture I realised that I need to have more of a proper look amongst her books.

Just as we we're getting into the car to go back home I noticed how cool these branches looked all lit up.

And finally, messing about with the shutter speed on the drive home. I was obviously NOT driving. Hope your weekend was good too!

Read more @ my funny eye

Friday, March 2, 2018

Chilled and chilling

Chilled and chilling

I would have thought that by Buddy being a Maine Coon and all he wouldn't feel the cold, but this guy loooooves blankets, and will jump up and try and hog my hot water bottle whenever I use it. <3 p="">
Read more @ my funny eye

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

*** On a Wednesday ***

*** On a Wednesday ***

The Siberian weather system has found its way over here (like the rest of Europe), just in time for spring... It's been very cold for about a week now, and for the past few days we've had some snow, but nothing much. However, this morning some had settled, so I went out for a walk in the park. Apart from dogs and dog walkers it was so quiet, and I'm glad I had the chance to go and wander around the unfamiliar, but always welcome, snowy landscape.
Read more @ my funny eye

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Cheers to winter trees and good health

Cheers to winter trees and good health

Usually February is the month that drags, even though it's the shortest, but this year I've hardly noticed my least favourite month. I'm not sure why, but I'm relieved! Maybe it's the fact that for the first winter ever, since becoming a mother, I'm not continually coming down with colds. This has meant that I've been able keep up my regular fitness regime, as well as still run outside in the cold (if this isn't jinxing it, I don't know what is). Yesterday morning I went for my regular 5K run, with super tired legs and asthmatic lungs, but despite that and the drizzling rain it was so invigorating. These pictures are from the last couple of weeks, and looking at them I realise that this winter feels very different for me. Let's hope it lasts all the way through to spring!

Read more @ my funny eye

Friday, February 16, 2018

Let there be light

Let there be light

About a month ago we went into town on a Friday evening to check out the Lumiere light festival that was on for a few nights in London. This was the second one ever, and we wrapped up warm and walked the city centre looking at some of the very cool installations. I think there were about 50 of them, which were way too many for us to try and see as Oomoo had an early start the following morning. See the first picture? That's my musical light see saw companion! She was there on her own and sat down, and as I couldn't see anyone getting on with her, I jumped on and we had few funny minutes on the see saw together. I love that she still held on to her walking stick and shopping bags! I want to be like her when I'm her age - out and about checking out cool art. Anyway, it was so nice to wander the traffic free streets and see the different scaled works, and how much everyone was enjoying themselves. Fingers crossed there will be a next one!

Read more @ my funny eye

Wednesday, February 14, 2018

SpaceX Just Launched the World’s Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space

SpaceX Just Launched the World’s Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space

spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 17 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars
On February 6, 2018 Elon Musk's SpaceX successfully launched the world's most powerful rocket, the Falcon Heavy, into space from the Kennedy Space Center in Florida. In the process, he launched a Tesla Roadster into space (playing a David Bowie soundtrack on loop) on a one-way mission to Mars and successfully landed 2 of 3 Falcon 9 rockets used for the launch (seen above).

According to BBC, the Falcon Heavy is designed to deliver a maximum payload to low-Earth orbit of 64 tonnes – the equivalent of putting five London double-decker buses in space. Such performance is slightly more than double that of the world's next most powerful rocket, the Delta IV Heavy – but at one third of the cost thanks to its re-usability.
SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space

spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 2 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 3 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 4 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space

spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 5 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 6 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 7 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 8 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 13 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 9 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space

spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 10 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 11 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 12 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space

spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 15 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 16 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

SpaceX Just Launched the World's Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla Car to Space
spacex falcon heavy launch tesla to mars 18 SpaceX Just Launched the Worlds Most Powerful Rocket and Sent a Tesla to Mars

shoaib hassannoreply@blogger.comRead more @ Information Hub Of Besties

Sunday, February 11, 2018

The Athabasca Sand Dunes

The Athabasca Sand Dunes

The Athabasca Sand Dunes
The Athabasca Sand Dunes were formed about 8,000 to 9,000 years ago at the end of the last glacial period. As the ice sheet melted, meltwater washed enormous quantities of sand, silt and sediment from local sandstone into Lake Athabasca, whose water level was much higher then than it currently is. Then the lake receded, exposing the large sand deposits on the shores.

Above Photo credit: Hidehiro Otake 
The Athabasca Sand Dunes athabasca-sand-dunes-1
Lake Athabasca, Canada. In this false-color image, the ice is light blue, dark blue is open water and the sand dunes are white.
The Athabasca Sand Dunes athabasca-sand-dunes-2
Photo credit: Tim Beckett/Flickr
The Athabasca Sand Dunes

The Athabasca Sand Dunes


shoaib hassannoreply@blogger.comRead more @ Information Hub Of Besties
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