Thursday, March 6, 2014

A panda researchers in China

A panda researchers in China, wear panda costumes to give mother like feeling to a lonely baby panda who lost her mother. How many likes for this kindness man ?!!!!

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Sorry to burst the bubble, but they do this to help prevent overconfidence around humans. The bears dont realise they are being raised by humans, so they don't associate people with food.
Great disguise for steeling a panda hahaha
Good idea Im getting myself a panda
or its jus a thief wearing a cunning disguise and stealing a panda
Surrogacy has been used for years, and on animals, hopefully the baby panda will live and thrive. Brilliant work
In china they keep them in cages and take limbs on 1 at a time so it stays fresh to eat! THIS IS BULLSHIT !!!


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